KFC Wiki

Who is Ken Tucky?


ken Tucky (born kenjamin alabama ohio Georgia Oregon Tucky) was the creator of the KFC corporation, and can be seen on the logo to this day.

his original intention for the company In 1406 was to be a humanitarian task force, who would save mankind from spiritual and physical evil, destabilising authoritarian governments, reforming organised religion and eliminating humanities reliance on the sin of ’wacking off’.

however during early board meetings the focus was shifted more to fried chicken, as it was seems as there major selling point.

in 1942 he split from the company due to a disagreement with the trustees over which side to support, however returning in 45 he came back to reclaim his position on the company after being smuggled out of Germany to the Uk, along with several other leading German scientists who might have otherwise been implicated in war crimes.

There he began work on project ‘U.S.A’, a global coverup meant to provide the world with a united parental figure to keep it in check while giving it an authoritarian role model to rebel against.

the secondary goal of the project was to convince the world that the earth was in fact a sphere, as no one be able to sail around America cos it was so massive and would therefore never try, never discovering there was in fact an edge, and the endless Void of untapped non EuclidIan potential that existed beyond. they included the discovery of such a massive land mass in the made up story of Columbus who supposedly proved the earth was round.

in recognition for his work one of the invented states was given his name, although this was later regarded as a mistake since no one would actually believe in a place called ken Tucky.

in 2014 Kenjemin peaked by inventing the KFC beans pot, the most widely sort after global resource ever. Since then a large part of warfare and standoffs have circled around his Creation, and in regret for the struggle he had caused, Ken decided to go into exhile, sailing off the edge of the earth into the endless epistemic void in search of god, or failing that, an endless source of KFC beans to end world hunger.